TRSCCA Autocross
Autocross, also known as SCCA Solo, is a competitive driving program that challenges drivers to navigate a course marked out by traffic cones in the fastest time possible. The events are designed to be accessible to drivers of all skill levels, with classes based on modifications and experience. Participants are timed on a course, with the fastest time in each class declared the winner. Autocross emphasizes skill and precision over outright speed, making it fun and challenging for enthusiasts of all levels.
#2025 Solo Schedule
#Class Championships
Competitors who complete a full season within the same competition Class will be eligible for the TRSCCA's Year End Championship for that Class. Competitors must be a registered member of the Tennessee Region SCCA
  • The minimum number of Events that must be attended in order to qualify for a TRSCCA Year End Championship is >50% of total Points Events in the year.
  • Example: If 8 or 9 Events, 5 are needed to qualify; if 10 Events, 6 are needed to qualify.
  • The Solo Chair will determine the number of dropped (and scored) Events used for Year End Points accumulation; Generally it is one more than the minimum qualifying number.
  • Example: If 10 Events, 6 are needed to qualify, highest scoring 7 Events are counted, lowest scoring 3 Events are dropped.
  • The Solo Chair will determine the minimum number of points to earn a Year End Championship, based on the number of Events. Minimum Points will NOT apply to the Novice Class.
  • Examples: 70 points for a 9 event season (counting top 6 Events), 80 points for a 10 event season (counting top 7 Events)
Novice Class: New competitors may compete in the Novice Class for up to one (1) full calendar year, or three (3) class wins, whichever comes first. Then they will be asked to graduate into the normal class for their vehicle. Novices (and new, non-Novice Class competitors) may be selected for the annual "Rookie of the Year" award.
Bump Class: After an event concludes, all drivers in a single-driver class will be grouped into a Bump Class and awarded points by PAX finish. Trophies and points for their original class will still be awarded. Bump Class will not include Pro or Novice competitors.
# 2025 Solo Championship
( Current Points Unavailable )
6 Events & 80 Points Minimum
7 Scored Events
3 Dropped Events
10 Total Events
1st Place 20 Points 5th Place 9 Points 9th Place 4 Points
2nd Place 16 Points 6th Place 7 Points 10th Place 3 Points
3rd Place 13 Points 7th Place 6 Points 11th Place 2 Points
4th Place 11 Points 8th Place 5 Points Others 1 Point
Previous years' Championship results can be found under the "Championships" tab in our Archive
#Your Vehicle

Classing: Cars are classed by both their modifications and general potential. The SCCA has a brief "Introduction to Autocross Classes" that can help familiarize you with the basics, and the SCCA 2025 Solo Rules has specific class rules in Section 13 thru 20 and a comprehensive list of vehicles/classes in Appendix A.

SCCA 2025 Solo Rules
(Last Updated: 12/12/2024)

Need help? Send your car's Year, Make, Model, Tire size & type, and any modifications to our Solo Chair and they will contact you to help class your car correctly!

Tech Inspection: Your vehicle must pass a Tech Inspection before every event.

Tech closes at 9:00a - there will be a $5 charge to tech after that time.

Items checked include:

  • Tires - no cords showing or other damage such as bulges, nails, etc.
  • Wheel bearings, shocks, steering, seat belts and suspension in good operating condition
  • Brakes - firm pedal with no detectable drop with car not running and proper level of fluid in reservoir
  • All loose items removed (bottles, tire gauges, radar detectors, floor mats, etc.)
  • Hubcaps and wheel rings removed
  • All lugs present and tight
  • Throttle return action safe and positive
  • No excessive fluid leaks
  • Battery securely fastened
#Gear & Other Supplies
Helmet: We recommend you purchase your own helmet, but we do have a limited number of loaner helmets available on a first come/first serve basis at each event. A current Snell rating is required.
SCCA 2024 Helmet Certification Labels
(2024 rules are still applicable for 2025)
Numbers and Class: All cars are required to have numbers (min. 8" high) and class letters (min. 4" high). Reusable magnetic or vinyl decals are the best option, but blue painter's tape works as well. (For full specific guidelines, see Section 3.7 of the SCCA 2025 Solo Rules)
Other Supplies:
  • A valid driver's license
  • Military and student discounts require ID
  • Lots of fluids, ideally in a cooler, and lunch
  • Sunscreen
  • Kids ages 12-18 must have a DIGITAL Minor Annual Waiver on file with the SCCA and their parents or legal guardians must be present at the event.
    Waivers must be on file no later than two days BEFORE the event to allow for processing.
    DIGITAL Minor Annual Waiver Instructions
    (PAPER Minor Annual Waivers are no longer accepted)
Questions? See our FAQ or email our Solo Chair.
Want more information? See the SCCA Autocross website and the SCCA Solo Rules Page.