Competitors who complete a full season within the same competition Class will be eligible for the TRSCCA's Year End Championship for that Class. Competitors must be a registered member of the Tennessee Region SCCA
The minimum number of Events that must be attended in order to qualify for a TRSCCA Year End Championship is >50% of total Points Events in the year.
Example: If 8 or 9 Events, 5 are needed to qualify; if 10 Events, 6 are needed to qualify.
The Solo Chair will determine the number of dropped (and scored) Events used for Year End Points accumulation; Generally it is one more than the minimum qualifying number.
Example: If 10 Events, 6 are needed to qualify, highest scoring 7 Events are counted, lowest scoring 3 Events are dropped.
The Solo Chair will determine the minimum number of points to earn a Year End Championship, based on the number of Events. Minimum Points will NOT apply to the Novice Class.
Examples: 70 points for a 9 event season (counting top 6 Events), 80 points for a 10 event season (counting top 7 Events)
Novice Class: New competitors may compete in the Novice Class for up to one (1) full calendar year, or three (3) class wins, whichever comes first. Then they will be asked to graduate into the normal class for their vehicle. Novices (and new, non-Novice Class competitors) may be selected for the annual "Rookie of the Year" award.
Bump Class: After an event concludes, all drivers in a single-driver class will be grouped into a Bump Class and awarded points by PAX finish. Trophies and points for their original class will still be awarded. Bump Class will not include Pro or Novice competitors.
The 2025 Solo Championship is to be announced.
Previous years' Championship results can be found under the "Championships" tab in our